Peace is a more “Intelligent Design”

Peace is a more “Intelligent Design” than “Preemptive War”.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Investigate the Entire Bush Regime for War Crimes, for Crimes against Humanity and for the Crime of 9-11

Why hasn't anyone asked why the 9-11 Commission was delayed until after the rubble at the crime scene of Ground Zero was cleared away?

The American people pay the salaries of these 2 men, President Bush and Vice President Cheney, who with the help of corporate cronies and the Supreme Court hold this nation and this democracy in hostage of their ill-conceived neo-conservative agrenda. No impeachment procedure is complete until Congress demands the reopening and completion of the 9-11 Commission. Bring the American people justice by having the 9-11 Commission interview Bush alone and Cheney alone on camera in prime time.

Invite non-corporate cronies to attend and question the President. Let's show the world democracy and justice in action. Bring it on, get Michael Rupport, Ralph Nader, The 9-11 Citizen's Commission and Cynthia McKinney and John Conyers, to question the President and the Vice President about what they knew and what orders they executed in response to the August 6th, 2001 Daily Briefing that was supposed to warn our Commander-In-Chief that America was in grave danger. What did the "MBA" "Education" and "Compassionate Conservative" President order any government agency to do to protect American citizens in response to that Aug. 6th Daily Briefing and even other briefings unknown to the American people, but helpful to other people who avoided flying commercial that summer of 2001?

What has the President done to protect Americans in his ill-conceived war on terror? Has the President contributed to a bake sale to raise money for our loved ones' armor in Afghanistan and Iraq?

How are we different from Saddam's regime when we do not ask the questions that need to be asked of President Bush, Vice President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of "WAR" Donald Rumsfeld and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales when it comes to the illegal wiretapping of citizens of the United States?

How cowardly that we ask men and women to die on foreign soil to protect us, yet we do not demand those in charge to go on record with the court system for obtaining the permission to spy on our own.

Some conservatives might read what I am writing and accuse me of hating America.

I see the quest for Peace, Democracy and Justice in our own country as a positive value and as a positive value shared by the American people.

The Progressives, real Conservatives, some Republicans and Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, Socialists and Independent Thinkers of the United States are reaching out to the world to communicate that the war in Iraq, the massive killing and destruction is not being done in OUR name. We see the world and the earth's people and environment as one and connected.
We reach out and join groups such as United for Peace and Justice and the Peace Alliance and support a U.S. Department of Peace, proposed by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Ohio-D) at the Executive Branch level because Peace and Justice is a noble cause and inevitable


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