Peace is a more “Intelligent Design”

Peace is a more “Intelligent Design” than “Preemptive War”.

Friday, September 15, 2006

9-11/Not one person from FEMA, National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) or the 9-11 Commission has agreed to debate the official the

Dear Citizens of Planet Earth:

I am writing to you about the lack of investigative reporting concerning the 9-11 attacks.
I would like to see the mainstream press contact the 9-11 Scholars for Truth.

I would like to see the mainstream press ask questions about the physics of the 9-11 attacks on The World Trade Center.
The PR surrounding jet fuel melting the steel of the WTC doesn't stand up to what we know about fire damage to other high rises.

Look at the pictures of the tragic circumstances that Lebanon faces. Downtown Beirut has been bombed and yet the shelled out buildings still stand. The shell of buildings after recent hotel fires in Philadelphia and Madrid remained standing after fires that burned much longer than that which happened at The World Trade Center.

The fires that burned at the WTC after the airplanes crashed on 9-11 emitted black smoke, indicating that the heat was not extreme enough to melt steel and certainly not the core of both of those buildings. What does the 9-11 Commission say about the physics of the core destruction of The World Trade Centers?

Being that the buildings were hit in two different areas, why did the buildings come down the exact same way and almost the exact same amount of collapse time?
Why did the buildings begin to pulverize and eject pieces from the very top, when the airplanes did not crash into the very top of the buildings? American citizens have seen these photos and videos over and over and many American citizens are smart enough to ask these same questions.

With intelligence, technology, multi agencies in charge of airliner security, how did FOUR airplanes loose control on 9-11? Why wasn't at least one of these airplanes shot down?
Over 100,000 people have died from U.S. weapons of Mass Destruction since 9-11. Al Qaeda threatens the well-being of "infidels". The Christian Right threatens that non-believers will burn in hell. The rhetoric of those we deem to be terrorists does not appear to have a difference from that of our own government, which maintains that we must kill and destroy every "terrorist" "over there".

Who benefits from the 9-11 attacks? If Osama designed the 9-11 attacks because of his grievances against the U.S. government, why are U.S. oil and defense contractors getting richer and richer since the "new Pearl Harbor"?

None of these thoughts are my original thoughts alone. That is why the 9-11 Scholars for Truth came together to educate people who simply want to know the truth about 9-11. The truth is dark. The truth is the people who have had the most to gain from the 9-11 attacks are some U.S. citizens running multinational oil and defense and security companies.

Thank you for considering my questions about the truth about what happened on 9-11.


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