Peace is a more “Intelligent Design”

Peace is a more “Intelligent Design” than “Preemptive War”.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

On national security and the Security of the World

On national security and the Security of the World

Just a few thoughts on the state of religion and national security in the United States -

The United States of America is the biggest supporter of Israel in the world today.

John Hagee of San Antonio, Texas chairs a group called Christians United For Israel (CUFI) which believes that the U.S. must unite to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran to precipitate Armageddon, followed by the more desirable Second Coming of Jesus. John Hagee is associated with high profile neocon Republicans, i.e. Ed Gillespie.

Today belief in "end-times" prophecy is common among Americans - i.e. "Left Behind",, over 50 million copies sold and then there's that nuisance, which the Republicans happen to weave very nicely into their political narrative of "terrorism" and "the long war".

With over 25 million Fundamentalists, in the United States, the popularity of belief in "end-times" prophecy shapes government policy.

In a Weekly Standard column entitled "It's Our War," editor William Kristol called Iran "the prime mover behind the terrorist groups who have started this war," which, he argued, should be considered part of "the global struggle against radical Islamism."

From my vantage point at this time, right now in my quiet suburb, America seems like a safer place than Israel. Just getting to Israel seems risky with my shampoo being a possible weapon and I have to get it on the airplane to wash my hair before I enter the holy sight of the wailing wall.

No, I am not antisemitic. I am Jewish.

This notion that we must kill all of the terrorists over there so that we don't have to fight them on our own soil, even though we have executed Timothy McVeigh, an American terrorist.

On the September 17th Sunday morning talk show program, McGlaughlin Group, Pat Buchanan argued in favor of President Bush's right to take away any due process to those people we capture in the war on terror. Buchanan said Timothy McVeigh, an American terrorist, who was given the death penalty for killing Americans deserved due process because he is an American citizen.

Today some might argue that Muslim extremists deserve to be tortured and held without due process to protect Americans.

We have a declining economy in which our major export is the military. The government headed by puppet George W. Bush sent our gross national product, the military to New Orleans after Katrina before he thought to organize an effort to send food and shelter alternatives. The Military came to the city in greater numbers at greater speed than Fema tents and trailors.

God forbid another terrorist attack or natural disaster strikes your nieghborhood or a community near you. This government will spend tax-payer's money first on developing "Divine Strake", a supposed nuclear simulation test, than it will spend on real homeland security. Homeland security shouldn't just be protecting the masses from crazy Middle Eastern terrorists. Homeland security should mean economic security.

The regime in place does not concern itself with maintaining economic security for this country. The regime in place concerns itself with robbing the masses, i.e. private accounts verses Social Security.

So far as I know, I do not live next door to a suicide bomber, but I am concerned that the very real threat to American Citizens is our very own government which is the largest arms dealer and which commits terrorist attacks in the name of our national security. I am concerned that our own national government is a threat to our national security when a bill called NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND is supposedly supposed to help better educate our kids, but in reality, it is a law that was passed to draft our children for the military.

God forbid we have another 8 years of neocons like George W. Bush in power, or even worse, like Dick Cheney. The military draft will become the law of the land and our children will have to find some safe place in a corner of the earth, as in this long war we must fight the terrorists over there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you blog, I find myself at the most peace in the Gold's gyms in Dallas while working out.

9:23 AM  

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