The Post Katrina Occupation of The United States
As the recovery, clean-up and rebuilding of New Orleans and the under-reported storm damage in Mississippi unfolds, Republicans and Democrats in Congress are going to continue to question how prepared were the Federal, State and Local governments? For those intellectuals following the events, it is time to question what will the results of these investigations be as far as strengthening the U.S.A. PATRIOT ACT and The Department of Homeland Security? More and more people are awakening to the fact that the United States has been occupied since the 2000 Selection by a group of people that have combined their private wealth and power to be a force that is weakening freedom and democracy.
A year ago in the Red State/Blue State world, simple classifications of Conservative or Liberal facilitated separation of everyday people. A hurricane has separated those who live and die, those who have the ability to escape the hurricane on their own, those who are rich and poor, black and white. The mainstream news calls this the “blame game”. The people who are struggling to survive the devastation do not call it the blame game. They call it the Facts.
The rest of the country, those pro-liberty and life supporters have to realize that this Bush Regime, ever masterful in PR will now add to its roster of disasters,
9-11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Katrina to strengthen not only acts of counter-terrorism, but to strengthen acts and policies that counter the people.
The fact is tax payers, the middle and lower classes have been forced to pay for the burdens of the cost of the massive Homeland Security Department and the “War on Terror”. The American workers are being taxed to pay for the war in Iraq where our national guard made up of local citizens, who volunteer to be available to help out in a local disaster are killing people and destroying Iraq and Afghanistan. The people of New Orleans were left with a broken down Superdome and the confines of the New Orleans Convention Center and nothing else, except news cameras trained on their misery.
What in the world are the pro-life supporters thinking when they support Capital Punishment, the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) in Iraq, if they only know what DU is and a 100,000 billion dollar missile stopper in Alaska that doesn’t work? In the end, it isn’t the threat of Osama or a nuclear warhead that is flushing New Orleans and the rest of this country down the drain. It is this “Ownership Society” menagerie of you're on your own policies. This can’t be the calling of Jesus. It is the momentum of an Administration that takes care of CEOs and multi-national corporations and refuses to hear the plight of the real people, the unemployed, the uninsured and now millions of storm victims.
President Bush and this Congress wasted no time in calling for the passage of the U.S.A. PATRIOT ACT to restrict rights guaranteed to Americans by the Constitution and yet, this President played guitar while so many people in New Orleans were doomed.
A year ago in the Red State/Blue State world, simple classifications of Conservative or Liberal facilitated separation of everyday people. A hurricane has separated those who live and die, those who have the ability to escape the hurricane on their own, those who are rich and poor, black and white. The mainstream news calls this the “blame game”. The people who are struggling to survive the devastation do not call it the blame game. They call it the Facts.
The rest of the country, those pro-liberty and life supporters have to realize that this Bush Regime, ever masterful in PR will now add to its roster of disasters,
9-11, the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Katrina to strengthen not only acts of counter-terrorism, but to strengthen acts and policies that counter the people.
The fact is tax payers, the middle and lower classes have been forced to pay for the burdens of the cost of the massive Homeland Security Department and the “War on Terror”. The American workers are being taxed to pay for the war in Iraq where our national guard made up of local citizens, who volunteer to be available to help out in a local disaster are killing people and destroying Iraq and Afghanistan. The people of New Orleans were left with a broken down Superdome and the confines of the New Orleans Convention Center and nothing else, except news cameras trained on their misery.
What in the world are the pro-life supporters thinking when they support Capital Punishment, the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) in Iraq, if they only know what DU is and a 100,000 billion dollar missile stopper in Alaska that doesn’t work? In the end, it isn’t the threat of Osama or a nuclear warhead that is flushing New Orleans and the rest of this country down the drain. It is this “Ownership Society” menagerie of you're on your own policies. This can’t be the calling of Jesus. It is the momentum of an Administration that takes care of CEOs and multi-national corporations and refuses to hear the plight of the real people, the unemployed, the uninsured and now millions of storm victims.
President Bush and this Congress wasted no time in calling for the passage of the U.S.A. PATRIOT ACT to restrict rights guaranteed to Americans by the Constitution and yet, this President played guitar while so many people in New Orleans were doomed.