Peace is a more “Intelligent Design”

Peace is a more “Intelligent Design” than “Preemptive War”.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Red State Blue State

"Red state blue state" language is often used to describe Democrats and Republicans. Democrat and Republican politicians are often portrayed against each other's throats when in
reality, there is a thin line in difference between the policies that
those at the highest reach of power support. For example, the wars in
Afghanistan and Iraq have wide Democratic and Republican party support
and the possible war in Iran, also Democratic and Republican support.

The regular people on the street, Democrats and Republicans, are highly
polarized. Yet, if you read both Conservative and Progressive
publications, there are questions about the words and actions of the
Bush administration. If you are willing to read Conservative
publications, you will find many commonalities that exist between
Independents, Third Party voters, Democrats and Republicans. If you
listen to Pat Buchanan he is strong pro-life and he was against the war
in Iraq. This is a commonality. I have not heard him speak clearly
about withdrawing our troops from Iraq.

At the same time that Rabbi Brackman notes the kind of extreme
discourse in this country, I would like to point out that I believe
that the differences are not irreversable. This is because, even
though our nation is divided, the division is among a people who are
frightened and confused. Those who show strong support for Bush are
honestly and rightfully frightened by the spector or terror. I say
rightfully frightened because I was living in NYC on 9-11 and I saw the
events live on the street and I lost a dear friend that day. Those of
us who want to see George Bush impeached are also frightened by the
actions of his regime, for example, the "nuclear simulation" tests in
Nevada on June 2nd called "Divine Strake". Those of us who say George
Bush and his regime are war criminals are confused by the words and
actions of the administration - the possibility and threats of using
U.S. nuclear weapons to destroy any of Iran's nuclear capability.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran wrote a letter, if that indeed
is his letter, asking some valid questions about the religous beliefs
of the Bush administration. But note, that I say if he indeed wrote
the letter. Along with fear comes an inability to trust.

President Bush, who claims to answer only to Father in heaven, can not
have a dialogue to attempt to answer these questions that are also the
questions of the American people and therefore, I say honestly and
without fear that the division in this country has been brought about
by the man who said "You're either with us or against us."
Representatives in Congress publicly spoke against the Ports Deal,
against the President, but privately signed the deal, with scant notice
from the mainstream media, hence a confused and misinformed public.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Do we want to be a nation of preemptive wars?

Tell your representatives in Congress to Stop the War in Iran.

How can we spread freedom and democracy around the world when President George W. Bush was chosen by the Supreme Court and not the people. During the Election of 2004, no international monitors were allowed in the States of Florida or Ohio. With a "you're-either-with-us-or-against-us" message, and the action of preemptive war, most of the world is now against us. We have lost the sympathy of the world, that we received after the 9-11 attacks. The people of the world view Americans as the largest consumer of resources and the price that we pay for those resources is often supporting dictatorships, war and torture.
The people of the world watch this Bush administration threaten Iran, a member of nuclear treaties since the 1970's, and then we wonder as to how Bush and his regime will abuse his power next, possibly using nuclear warheads to wipe out Iran's nuclear infrastructure.

The U.S. will be running a "nuclear simulation" test in Mercury, Nevada at the Nuclear Test Site on June 2nd.

President George W. Bush ran as a "compassionate conservative". Is running a nuclear simulation test in order to threaten Middle East countries the kind of America that we want to live in? When we threaten to go to preemptive war in Iran, how are we different from Osama Bin Ladin and his constant video threats?

I believe there is a growing number of Americans who not only question to themselves, their circle of contacts and even write the mainstream press, not only why we are occupying the countries of Afghanistan and Iraq, but what is the real story of 9-11? This is a country with the resources to develop Weapons in Space, The 100 billion dollar missile stopper in Alaska and the HAARP system in Alaska, designed to study and eventually control the weather against our enemies. How is it that the U.S. has the resources to remove Saddam and the Taliban from power, but on 9-11, 4 airplanes from 2 airports were highjacked?
Ray McGovern and Cindy Sheehan are true patriots. I believe when Ray McGovern questioned Secretary Rumsfeld, he was asking questions on behalf of most Americans, even those who support preemptive war. True Patriots, Americans and Immigrants who come to America for a better life, in order to sustain this great country, must ask - what kind of a country and what kind of a people do we want to be?

After watching the government remove the sum of that which was The World Trade Center, before any investigation of the facts, and then determine that even though mainstream news shot video footage and photos of live people looking out of the broken windows and massive holes on 9-11 before the buildings collapsed, that the buildings were so hot from the jet fuel that they simply collapsed? And again with footage available from mainstream news coverage, over and over, the buildings did not collapse at the point of damage. The buildings collapsed from the top. The buildings pulverized from the top and the pieces of the building projected out the sides of the building from the top, not at the point of damage.

Americans and true patriots and immigrants coming to our country must applaud and thank God and the Universe for courageous people like Cindy Sheehan and Ray McGovern, doing the good work.

Americans must write to their representatives in Congress and their editors and ask why are we seeking war with Iran, after President George W. Bush and his administration lied to us about the reason for attacking Iraq, a country that did not attack us.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Investigate the Entire Bush Regime for War Crimes, for Crimes against Humanity and for the Crime of 9-11

Why hasn't anyone asked why the 9-11 Commission was delayed until after the rubble at the crime scene of Ground Zero was cleared away?

The American people pay the salaries of these 2 men, President Bush and Vice President Cheney, who with the help of corporate cronies and the Supreme Court hold this nation and this democracy in hostage of their ill-conceived neo-conservative agrenda. No impeachment procedure is complete until Congress demands the reopening and completion of the 9-11 Commission. Bring the American people justice by having the 9-11 Commission interview Bush alone and Cheney alone on camera in prime time.

Invite non-corporate cronies to attend and question the President. Let's show the world democracy and justice in action. Bring it on, get Michael Rupport, Ralph Nader, The 9-11 Citizen's Commission and Cynthia McKinney and John Conyers, to question the President and the Vice President about what they knew and what orders they executed in response to the August 6th, 2001 Daily Briefing that was supposed to warn our Commander-In-Chief that America was in grave danger. What did the "MBA" "Education" and "Compassionate Conservative" President order any government agency to do to protect American citizens in response to that Aug. 6th Daily Briefing and even other briefings unknown to the American people, but helpful to other people who avoided flying commercial that summer of 2001?

What has the President done to protect Americans in his ill-conceived war on terror? Has the President contributed to a bake sale to raise money for our loved ones' armor in Afghanistan and Iraq?

How are we different from Saddam's regime when we do not ask the questions that need to be asked of President Bush, Vice President Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Secretary of "WAR" Donald Rumsfeld and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales when it comes to the illegal wiretapping of citizens of the United States?

How cowardly that we ask men and women to die on foreign soil to protect us, yet we do not demand those in charge to go on record with the court system for obtaining the permission to spy on our own.

Some conservatives might read what I am writing and accuse me of hating America.

I see the quest for Peace, Democracy and Justice in our own country as a positive value and as a positive value shared by the American people.

The Progressives, real Conservatives, some Republicans and Democrats, Greens, Libertarians, Socialists and Independent Thinkers of the United States are reaching out to the world to communicate that the war in Iraq, the massive killing and destruction is not being done in OUR name. We see the world and the earth's people and environment as one and connected.
We reach out and join groups such as United for Peace and Justice and the Peace Alliance and support a U.S. Department of Peace, proposed by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (Ohio-D) at the Executive Branch level because Peace and Justice is a noble cause and inevitable