Peace is a more “Intelligent Design”

Peace is a more “Intelligent Design” than “Preemptive War”.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

On national security and the Security of the World

On national security and the Security of the World

Just a few thoughts on the state of religion and national security in the United States -

The United States of America is the biggest supporter of Israel in the world today.

John Hagee of San Antonio, Texas chairs a group called Christians United For Israel (CUFI) which believes that the U.S. must unite to launch a pre-emptive strike against Iran to precipitate Armageddon, followed by the more desirable Second Coming of Jesus. John Hagee is associated with high profile neocon Republicans, i.e. Ed Gillespie.

Today belief in "end-times" prophecy is common among Americans - i.e. "Left Behind",, over 50 million copies sold and then there's that nuisance, which the Republicans happen to weave very nicely into their political narrative of "terrorism" and "the long war".

With over 25 million Fundamentalists, in the United States, the popularity of belief in "end-times" prophecy shapes government policy.

In a Weekly Standard column entitled "It's Our War," editor William Kristol called Iran "the prime mover behind the terrorist groups who have started this war," which, he argued, should be considered part of "the global struggle against radical Islamism."

From my vantage point at this time, right now in my quiet suburb, America seems like a safer place than Israel. Just getting to Israel seems risky with my shampoo being a possible weapon and I have to get it on the airplane to wash my hair before I enter the holy sight of the wailing wall.

No, I am not antisemitic. I am Jewish.

This notion that we must kill all of the terrorists over there so that we don't have to fight them on our own soil, even though we have executed Timothy McVeigh, an American terrorist.

On the September 17th Sunday morning talk show program, McGlaughlin Group, Pat Buchanan argued in favor of President Bush's right to take away any due process to those people we capture in the war on terror. Buchanan said Timothy McVeigh, an American terrorist, who was given the death penalty for killing Americans deserved due process because he is an American citizen.

Today some might argue that Muslim extremists deserve to be tortured and held without due process to protect Americans.

We have a declining economy in which our major export is the military. The government headed by puppet George W. Bush sent our gross national product, the military to New Orleans after Katrina before he thought to organize an effort to send food and shelter alternatives. The Military came to the city in greater numbers at greater speed than Fema tents and trailors.

God forbid another terrorist attack or natural disaster strikes your nieghborhood or a community near you. This government will spend tax-payer's money first on developing "Divine Strake", a supposed nuclear simulation test, than it will spend on real homeland security. Homeland security shouldn't just be protecting the masses from crazy Middle Eastern terrorists. Homeland security should mean economic security.

The regime in place does not concern itself with maintaining economic security for this country. The regime in place concerns itself with robbing the masses, i.e. private accounts verses Social Security.

So far as I know, I do not live next door to a suicide bomber, but I am concerned that the very real threat to American Citizens is our very own government which is the largest arms dealer and which commits terrorist attacks in the name of our national security. I am concerned that our own national government is a threat to our national security when a bill called NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND is supposedly supposed to help better educate our kids, but in reality, it is a law that was passed to draft our children for the military.

God forbid we have another 8 years of neocons like George W. Bush in power, or even worse, like Dick Cheney. The military draft will become the law of the land and our children will have to find some safe place in a corner of the earth, as in this long war we must fight the terrorists over there.

Friday, September 15, 2006

9-11/Not one person from FEMA, National Institutes of Standards and Technology (NIST) or the 9-11 Commission has agreed to debate the official the

Dear Citizens of Planet Earth:

I am writing to you about the lack of investigative reporting concerning the 9-11 attacks.
I would like to see the mainstream press contact the 9-11 Scholars for Truth.

I would like to see the mainstream press ask questions about the physics of the 9-11 attacks on The World Trade Center.
The PR surrounding jet fuel melting the steel of the WTC doesn't stand up to what we know about fire damage to other high rises.

Look at the pictures of the tragic circumstances that Lebanon faces. Downtown Beirut has been bombed and yet the shelled out buildings still stand. The shell of buildings after recent hotel fires in Philadelphia and Madrid remained standing after fires that burned much longer than that which happened at The World Trade Center.

The fires that burned at the WTC after the airplanes crashed on 9-11 emitted black smoke, indicating that the heat was not extreme enough to melt steel and certainly not the core of both of those buildings. What does the 9-11 Commission say about the physics of the core destruction of The World Trade Centers?

Being that the buildings were hit in two different areas, why did the buildings come down the exact same way and almost the exact same amount of collapse time?
Why did the buildings begin to pulverize and eject pieces from the very top, when the airplanes did not crash into the very top of the buildings? American citizens have seen these photos and videos over and over and many American citizens are smart enough to ask these same questions.

With intelligence, technology, multi agencies in charge of airliner security, how did FOUR airplanes loose control on 9-11? Why wasn't at least one of these airplanes shot down?
Over 100,000 people have died from U.S. weapons of Mass Destruction since 9-11. Al Qaeda threatens the well-being of "infidels". The Christian Right threatens that non-believers will burn in hell. The rhetoric of those we deem to be terrorists does not appear to have a difference from that of our own government, which maintains that we must kill and destroy every "terrorist" "over there".

Who benefits from the 9-11 attacks? If Osama designed the 9-11 attacks because of his grievances against the U.S. government, why are U.S. oil and defense contractors getting richer and richer since the "new Pearl Harbor"?

None of these thoughts are my original thoughts alone. That is why the 9-11 Scholars for Truth came together to educate people who simply want to know the truth about 9-11. The truth is dark. The truth is the people who have had the most to gain from the 9-11 attacks are some U.S. citizens running multinational oil and defense and security companies.

Thank you for considering my questions about the truth about what happened on 9-11.

In hope that Progressives and Conservatives can agree on the following

I was just watching a discussion of talking heads on Lou Dobbs on CNN. I am tired of the "cut and run" language used in the mainstream media, when Republicans can't think of anything else to say about what in the world is going on in Iraq or the situation with Israel, Palestine and Lebanon or Afghanistan.

I have never heard Lou Dobbs call for an exit strategy, but at least he asks good questions. I googled for more information and I found no indication that Lou Dobbs has served in the military.

I do believe whether you are for the war in Iraq or against it, it is American to question the U.S. government and policies that our officials, at tax-payer expense execute.

Lou Dobbs uses the word "reality". He asks of our government "WHAT IS THE STRATEGY FOR VICTORY"? He is angry that everyday 2 or more men and women serving the U.S. die in Iraq. He is angry that while 2 or more men and women serving the U.S. die, the Pentagon and the Bush Administration call for the U.S. to "stay the course". Lou Dobbs has not called for a withdrawal, but the question, "WHAT DOES STAY THE COURSE MEAN?" is a question that those supporting the war in Iraq and those against the war can agree on. Other questions:

What are we doing in Iraq?

Is there a better way to "spread peace and democracy" in Iraq?

What do we do about the U.S. weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? What do we do about the use and spread of depleted uranium, produced by the U.S. in Iraq? President Bush had said that 30,000 Iraqi citizens have lost their lives in this conflict.

Let me articulate the anti-war position in practical and realistic terms. President Bush declared Iraq a sovereign nation in the summer of 2004. After 3 celebrated elections in Iraq, the situation of people loosing life and limb in the streets is happening on the ground as I write this and as you read this.

Whether we call it withdrawal or "cut and run" here are the benefits of the United States military leaving Iraq: If the Iraqi government, after 3 celebrated elections, can not control the violence, than our young men and women serving the United States will not be in the midst of the violence. For those people concerned about another terrorist attack or natural disaster in the United States, it would be in our best interest to mobilize the troops at home, especially those serving the National Guard. We can hope that with the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq, this would enable humanitarian efforts to help relieve the suffering of the people in Iraq and if we are never greeted as liberators, spreading freedom and democracy, we will begin to behave as a nation based on principals of justice. We can hope that those defending their country of Iraq would take pause in the violence to allow for much needed humanitarian aid. We can allocate more resources to taking care of the U.S. military men and women returning from Iraq, as far as their health needs and family needs.

What is the reality on the ground in Iraq? So far, our men and women of the U.S. military, risking life and limb, have not been greeted as liberators. The mainstream media reports that the U.S. military is giving more responsibility to the Iraqi security forces to secure the sovereign nation of Iraq.

The words, actions, inactions of the United States are not bringing peace to Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Sudan and Nepal.

The words, actions, inactions of the government of the U.S. are not bringing relief to those U.S. citizens who have no health insurance and who need a raise in the minimum wage in order to survive. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND should be a call to our nation to prepare talented students for science and math education and to be able to afford that education beyond high school. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND should be a call to our nation to develop and respect and cherish the special talents of all of our children, not simply record the numbers on their standardized academic tests. NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND should be a call to our nation to relieve the suffering of homeless children in the United States.

Cindy Sheehan wants to know if her son died in vain and what is the cause so great and noble that her son died for?

That American people must stand up, even those that support the war and ask, "What are we doing in Iraq to achieve victory"?

For each American, Iraqi and Afghanistan life we can save, by removing our military might and U.S. weapons of mass destruction from the region, this would be a victory, or at least an American step forward in the genuine roadmap for peace in The Middle East, and hopefully, peace on earth.

Linda Zoblotsky is Writer, Producer and Director of the entertaining and educational one-woman play, LINDA ZOBLOTSKY IS LUVCHILD, about adoption and an adopted adult’s search for her Birthparents. There are 6,000,000 adopted people in the United States. LUVCHILD helps the non-adopted population understand the obstacles that adopted adults face when searching for their natural families. Linda was a volunteer for Kucinich for President. Living and Working in NYC as a Performing Artist: Linda Zoblotsky has toured the United States in PHANTOM OF THE OPERA. She played Madame Giry and Carlotta. Linda enjoyed the GREASE! tour with Frankie Avalon, playing Miss Lynch. Other tours: ANYTHING GOES with Gloria Loring. In regional theatre Linda has played Fanny Brice in FUNNY GIRL, Mama Rose in GYPSY, Smitty in HOW TO SUCCEED, Agnes in I DO! I DO!, Rosalie in CARNIVAL and the Fairy Godmother in Rodgers and Hammerstein’s CINDERELLA.

On this Vital Amendment to protect Horses from Slaughter

"I had a vision of eagles and horses
High on a ridge in a race with the wind" - John Denver

On this Vital Amendment to protect Horses from Slaughter

S. 1915, The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (AHSPA) reintroduced and sponsored by Senator and Veterinarian John Ensign, (R-NV) and Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA) to prohibit the killing of horses and other Equines for human consumption

By Linda Zoblotsky

Seven out of ten Americans oppose horse slaughter and the destruction of wild horses. This poll was conducted among 800 people in August by Public Opinion Strategies right before the House voted in favor of a bill that would end killing horses for human consumption.

I was a teenage cowgirl growing up in Oklahoma with my horse, Zebo. I rode Zebo for both pleasure and competition. Zebo lived on 200 acres of rolling pasture and leafy woods and watering holes. At the beginning of the day, I would find Zebo having a good time consuming sweet grass and alfalfa. It was my honor that he allowed me to ride him on his range. At the end of the day, I didn’t have long to say good-bye to Zebo. He was ready to run away. He would walk faster and faster out the barn door and turn around for one more look at me. Like a rocket he would run full blast towards the sunset!

The Bald Eagle Protection Act of 1940 prohibits the sale and barter, import and export, and possession of eagles, making it illegal for anyone to collect eagles and eagle parts, nests or eggs without a permit. The flying eagle represents freedom in U.S. skies and in our dreams. The wild horses roaming 10 Western states and in small areas of the East coast are a vision of free spirit roaming the good green earth.

During the 1800s over 2 million wild horses roamed the prairies. Horses running free, that once belonged to the Spanish explorers, are also referred to as mustangs. Wild burros, also known as donkeys and jackasses, live throughout the North American hot deserts. Many formerly domestic burros became wild after their masters had perished in the harsh desert environment.

Some people making a living in the west from agriculture say that protection of the horses is for the city dwellers. In order to remove wild horses from public lands, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has claimed that horses are destroying critical habitat, competing for grazing lands, and overpopulating.

Wild horses contribute to the environment in very important ways including the dispersal of intact seed from native plants. In fact their manure helps to keep plants alive in some areas and it is essential to the creation of nutrients in the building of soil in arid regions. When wild horses die, black bear, bobcat, wild dogs and mountain lions use them as an important food source. In cold winters, wild horses can paw through ice to expose water also making water available to smaller animals that can’t break through ice.
Mustangs roam public lands about 10 miles a day and can survive by visiting a watering hole every 3-4 days. Wild horses, traveling in herds of 7 to 10, will not trample watering holes but simply drink, sometimes dunking to cool off before leaving in warm weather. Horses are much gentler to land than cattle, which also range on public lands. Domestic cattle do not roam and are lazier and harder on the areas they inhabit. Cattle will camp out near water sources and defecate in the water. Horses do not defecate in water. Cattle will decimate vegetation because they eat the roots of plants. Horses can break off plants with their teeth, leaving the roots in the ground to sprout fresh grass. Wild horses also play an important role in the prevention of wild fires because they will eat dry plants.
The American Horse Defense Fund is dedicated to research and protection. They keep tabs on what’s out there on our public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) - 4.2+ million head of cattle and an estimated 25,000 wild horses. Last year 91,757 wild and domestic horses were slaughtered in one of the three foreign-owned, US-based horse slaughtering facilities located in Texas and Illinois. The Society for Animal Protective Legislation reports thousands—of horses are stolen each year. Horse thieves make quick money by unloading illegally. This horse meat is then exported. Americans are against consuming horse meat and the meat of other animals that we consider to be our pets. The BLM interprets and enforces certain laws while being under pressure from the livestock/cattle interests and politicians who would benefit from policies that eliminate wild horses.
The 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act was supposed to protect wild horses from wholesale extermination efforts by the BLM and ranchers grazing their private livestock on public lands. The eagles soar and watch over the land - and suburbs too. It is time for human beings to step outside our box stores and think of the well-being of wild horses and ask that the Federal government implement the laws that protect wild horses and burros. Grassroots efforts have demonstrated that wild horses living on our public lands are not harmful to the ranchers or the environment. On September 7th, the House voted 263 to 146 in favor of H.R. 503, The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (AHSPA), to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption and the domestic and international transport of live horses or horseflesh for the same purpose. In the debate leading up to the vote, bill sponsors Representative John Sweeney (R-N.Y.), Representative John Spratt (D-S.C.), Representative Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.) and Representative Nick Rahall (D-W.Va.) effectively argued that we must protect these mostly healthy horses from being slaughtered. S. 1915, The American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (AHSPA) now has 22 co-sponsors in the Senate.
What a joyful way to demonstrate our freedom and humanity to the world in asking our representatives, editors and publishers to give and receive compassion to those majestic wild horses, running free from hill to valley, free as the wind, as we desire to live on earth now and moving with ancestors of the land, who cherished the horse as a holy gift from the gods. Horses have been our trusted companions throughout history, and they deserve a more humane and dignified quality of life than being slaughtered and served for dinner.

Peace is Practical

I live in Plano, Texas, an affluent mostly Republican suburb, bordering Dallas. My Republican friends and neighbors tell me that it is our patriotic duty to fly the flag on September 11th. Ever since that Tuesday morning when the entire world learned of the attacks, displays of American flags and “United We Stand” stickers and posters populate our SUVs and store windows.

On the 5th anniversary of the devastation, President Bush stated that over a million men and women volunteered for military service. Over 100,000 people have died in the “war on terror”. over 50,000 U.S. service men and women have lost their limbs and their mental and emotional state of well-being. As the Pentagon Budget keeps growing, valuable social services that American citizens depend on for their security are of lower priority to our elected officials, than the “war on terror” or the “war on Islamic fascism”. During the 20th Century, over 100 million people lost their lives to war -- most of whom were non-combatants.

While the Bush administration has promised to keep Americans safe, the world saw people in The Gulf Coast starving last summer and struggling for their lives as a photo of President Bush looking down on the storm damage from Air Force One was published.

After all is said and done about what is bad about the Bush administration and the U.S government, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. A vital force in the U.S. Congress lead by Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), and behind this force in Congress, citizens across the nation volunteer. This outstanding effort to do something to stop endless war and violence is called The Campaign for a U.S. Department of Peace, (House Resolution 3760 and Senate 1756). There are currently 75 congressional co-sponsors of this legislation in the House and 2 in the Senate. At 2% of the cost it takes to finance the Pentagon budget, A U.S. Department of Peace (DOP) would research, articulate and facilitate non-violent efforts to address both domestic and international conflict. The original idea of a Peace Department in the United States dates back to the administration of George Washington. During The Cold War, Eighty-five bills calling for a Department of Peace were introduced in the House or the Senate. Between 1990 and 2003 over 1,700 schools in Ohio participated in a conflict management program. Evaluations of this program show a decline in the number of conflict-related behaviors leading to suspension and expulsion. 90% of teachers participating in the program said their schools were safer.

Peace on earth is practical. The 2005 Missile Defense budget was 10 billion dollars for a system that is not operational. The Divine Strake test is possibly scheduled in New Mexico for 2007. Supporters of DOP ask whether our priorities should be to build more nuclear weapons, which could harm our own citizens, or perhaps we should consider how innocent people are susceptible to a nuclear attack or a theft of nuclear materials?

Domestic peace at home is practical. The Bush administration has called for an amendment protecting the institution of marriage from gay people who love each other and want to get married. The DOP will develop policies and allocate resources to effectively reduce the levels of domestic and gang violence, child abuse, and various other forms of societal discord.

DOP activist groups exist in all 50 states and over 280 Congressional districts. September 11th stands out not only for the 2001 attacks, but also as the 100-year anniversary of Satyagraha, the modern nonviolent movement launched by Mahatma Gandhi. September 21st marks the fifth anniversary of the International Day of Peace, established by the United Nations in 2001. In recognition of these events, people in cities and towns across the nation are staging local "Walks for Peace." Organizers of these events, planned in collaboration with the Peace Alliance, say these walkathons will help raise awareness of legislation (HR 3760 and S. 1756) currently in the House and Senate to create a cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peace and Nonviolence.

For information about local walks, please visit: