Peace is a more “Intelligent Design”

Peace is a more “Intelligent Design” than “Preemptive War”.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The U.S. WMD: What comes around goes around and around

The U.S. WMD: What comes around goes around and around

After the 9-11 tragedy, I would have voted with Rep. Barbara Lee of California, against going through with a full-scale war in Afghanistan. I would have instead voted for justice and a full-scale investigation of the crime scenes of 9-11. Instead the crime scene, for example in NYC, was dismantled and the 9-11 Commission conducted no tests on the steel that was left after the World Trade Center collapsed. There are experts, 9-11 Scholars for Truth, who are calling for an investigation into the possibility that 9-11 was an inside job and their arguments are logical.

Under the "war" President Bush, the number of innocent people who are left dead from U.S. weapons of mass destruction is as large a tragedy and much greater than the number of those who died on 9-11. It is important for Americans to know some of the terrible stories of the dead, on the other side of the world. If "Freedom" and "Democracy" are so important, what does the average man and women trying to make a living in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Israel, The Palestinian Territories and Lebanon and Sudan and other unstable areas of the world, have to say about the situation they find themselves in?

Under President Bush, "Freedom" and "Democracy" are handy public relations words, just words. The people, who support the policies of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld and Condoleeza Rice, see the people of Afghanistan as being worth nothing, more PR words - "collateral damage". War Hawks don't care how people around the world cried for the man-made tragedy and the hurricanes, that happened in the U.S.

Going to war against a dictator that we sponsored was an idea developed by the mentally ill people in the U.S. government and greedy multinational corporations. Saddam in captivity now, has the choice to starve himself, while the innocent people caught under the bombs have no choice about the situation in which they find themselves, that is the United States military training Iraqi people to kill Iraqi people with U.S. WMD. Could it be that the entire United States was raving mad in cheering this war on "brown people"?

Plenty of people want peace and goodwill on earth. Look at the number of people in Congress who are co-sponsoring the Kucinich Department of Peace Resolution. The number is growing, not declining. That means that U.S. Citizens, who feel terrible about the nightmare on the other side of the world in the Middle East are not alone.

There are still those people who cry because of 9-11 that we should kill all of the terrorists, what ever that means. Some people feel strongly that we should kill all of the terrorists, as long as volunteers in the military, who we don't know anything about, do it. If there are some 130,000 military men and women from the United States in Iraq, and some additional private contractors, then that is a very small number of people fighting the war or civil war in Iraq compared to the entire population of the United States or even Iraq and possibly Iran.

The people who volunteer to fight for the U.S. in Iraq and where ever else Bush sends them are not secure. They are caught in the middle of civil wars and regional wars. The Bush administration has left the U.S. insecure and the entire world, as the people are now struggling to flee Lebanon and the Israeli people are struggling to survive in bomb shelters. Where do the Palestinian people in refuge camps run to to get away from the constant violence?

The Bush administration has left the U.S. insecure and behind as the world saw last summer after the hurricanes. Congressman Kucinich said that poverty in the U.S. is a WMD. We can not stay the course in fighting wars that do not have anything to do with our national security. We can not support a war against the people of Iran, while testing a 700 pound explosive called Divine Strake in the desert of Nevada, that the government has scheduled for the fall of 2006. This is not in the best national security interests of those people in the United States and Canada who would be exposed to this nuclear simulation test in an area with vast nuclear fallout from 50 years of nuclear testing. And then 45 million people in our own country do not have health insurance and the number of bankruptcies continues to harm families in the U.S. The war machine is not sustainable. And yet, while the population of New Orleans has been cut in half, we have a President who continues to lobby for a nuclear bunker buster bomb and weapons in space to be able to destroy the targets that the U.S. wants destroyed around the world. Now we must call on the media and our elected representatives, on the tax-payer payroll to stop the U.S. WMD from destroying the world faster than global warming.